Sandro Lombardi
Computer Vision Consultant
Independent Contractor
Python Developer
Welcome! I'm Sandro Lombardi.
I offer my services as an independent contractor / freelancer within the computer vision space with a focus on 3D reconstruction and machine learning. My interests, however, extend beyond these areas to include other aspects of artificial intelligence and the broader field of digital automation.

Computer Vision Engineer & Independent Contractor.
I started my journey as an independent contractor in the computer vision and machine learning space in summer 2024, for which I created my own company Maivico.
Before that, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Vision and Geometry Group (CVG) at ETH Zurich, where I also did my PhD and worked as a research assistant. During my time at CVG, I collaborated a lot with the ETH-Spinoff Astrivis, which gave me insights into bringing computer vision and 3D reconstruction into real-world products.
I did my MSc and BSc degree in computer science at ETH Zurich as well. During and in between my studies I briefly worked as software developer for the Balgrist University Hospital and rola Security Systems AG.
City:Glattbrugg, Zurich
I love solving problems related to computer vision, especially in the area
of 3D reconstruction. Lately, my interests also extend to other fields, be it LLMs, other areas of AI or more general, automation.
Have a look around and don't hesitate to reach out if you think there's something I can do for you or if you're interested in working with me.
Sandro Lombardi
Independent contractor / freelancer offering consultation, solution design and engineering work in the computer vision and machine learning space. PhD degree in computer vision with a focus on 3D reconstruction. Seasoned Python developer with a passion for all things artificial intelligence and automation. Pragmatic and always focused on providing value.
Doctor of Science ETH
2019 - 2023
CVG, ETH Zurich
Research in computer vision with focus on neural representations for point-cloud based applications.
Master of Science ETH in Computer Science
2015 - 2017
ETH Zurich
Master's track in visual computing.
Bachelor of Science ETH in Computer Science
2011 - 2015
ETH Zurich
Major courses: Visual Computing, Information Security, Software Architecture and Engineering, Distributed Systems.
Professional Experience
Independent Contractor - Computer Vision
2024 - Now
Maivico GmbH
Consultation, solution design & engineering work in the computer vision and machine learning space.
Postdoctoral Researcher / Computer Vision Engineer
2023 - 2024
CVG, ETH Zurich, Astrivis
Applied computer vision R&D in collaboration with ETH-Spinoff Astrivis. Teaching Assistant at ETH Zurich & IT coordinator of CVG.
PhD Student / Computer Vision Researcher
2019 - 2023
CVG, ETH Zurich
Research in 3D reconstruction, human body modelling, triangle meshing and scene flow estimation, which led to 4 publications.
Research Assistant
2017 - 2019
CVG, ETH Zurich, Astrivis
Applied computer vision R&D in collaboration with ETH-Spinoff Astrivis, with a focus on mobile 3D reconstruction of human feet.
Software Developer (Civil Service)
CARD, Balgrist University Hospital
Assisting in development and improvement of a Computer Assisted Surgery Planning Application.
Junior Software Developer (20%)
2013 - 2014
rola Security Systems AG
Development of Eclipse based plugins and desktop application for internal use.
Over the years, I have worked with a variety of tools, frameworks and languages.
+6 years
Comfort:Taught it at ETH Zurich. Used it during my PhD and afterwards for work and personal projects.
+3 years
Comfort:Used it for work.

+4 years
Comfort:Used it for work and personal projects.
+11 years
Comfort:Used it for work and personal projects.
+11 years
Comfort:Used it for work and personal projects.
+2 years
Comfort:Used it for work and student projects.
+2 years
Comfort:Used it for work, research and student projects.
+2 years
Comfort:Used it for work and student projects.

+1 years
Comfort:Used it for work and student projects.
I have done various projects under different settings. Here is an overview.
I'm offering my services as a freelancer and independent contractor within the computer vision and machine learning space. If you would like to explore further, how I can help you with computer vision related problems, don't hesitate to contact me.
Want to talk to me? You can reach me either via e-mail or this contact form.